Friday, May 20, 2016


You read it right, no sensor. Yes an angry, rant type post. And YES I'm preaching to the choir.

We are all somewhat hypocrites at heart... lets be honest. We are training our children to entertain themselves with TV, Games, iPads, movies.... whatever to just keep them busy for a bit. YES! I catch myself turning on the TV more than I would like to admit.

But it hit me hard. Like a ton of bricks, when I snapped at my 2.5 year old the other day while I was on the phone. It was 10 am.... I mean let's be honest this was not a NORMAL morning. I had multiple people calling me, emailing me and texting me for information on my husbands behalf. I just happened to be on my 3rd phone call trying to explain a situation when BAM. My 2.5 year old yelled at me
I turned, glared at him and said "DAVID! Just go to your room!" This was the first time ever that I had sent him to his room so obviously he had no idea why he was going there and didn't even connect it with being in trouble so he happily grabbed his cars and went to play.

Insert the ton of bricks hitting me in the face... Yes, children don't need to interrupt. Yes, he can be patient and wait but YES I had been on my phone way too much already.

For my 25th birthday I told my husband all I wanted was an apple watch so that I could still be reached for an emergency but not jump every time my phone rang, yet I still caught myself with my phone in my right hand.

Moms, If you're getting "ticked off" at your child because they want your attention and they aren't letting you creep on Facebook.... 
Get off your DAMN PHONE!

Moms, If your child seems to be getting on your last nerve because they won't pose for another instagram picture.... 
Get off your DAMN PHONE!

Moms, If you find yourself snapping at your child to go play in the other room because you just "have" to text this person back even though it won't change anything and it's not an emergency.... 
Get off your DAMN PHONE!

We do it when we are uncomfortable, we feel like we are going to miss something, we feel like we won't be the first to know, we feel like someone is going to need us in any minute but WAIT... Isn't that what our children are for!?! We have taken pride in being busy when in reality we aren't doing 1 thing well we are doing 50 things poorly.

No Facebook status, instagram comment or like, article reposted for the 100th time on Facebook, Pinterest DIY project, Budget management article, MLM product, Picture inspirational meme, Coffee quote, Facebook product event, those annoying "Share when you see it post", Political argument or Youtube tutorial is going to change your life the way 
YOU IGNORING YOUR CHILD is going to change theirs. 

Moms, I CHALLENGE YOU! I challenge MYSELF, I challenge MY HUSBAND and I challenge every person who is tired of having their face stuck in their phone but isn't tired of it enough to change something.



- The retired FB creeper

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